If, like me, you are an avid football fan, then the rules of the game are all fairly obvious and do not need any more explaining here. If reports are to be believed, there are five new rules that have been put forward and maybe implemented as soon as the start of next season.
Accidental Handball Goals
Handballs have always been a divisive issue within football. Whether it was obviously deliberate, or blindly accidental, there has always been an issue with the ref's decision and view on it. Now, a new rule put forward will prevent any "material gain" from a handball.
Whether the handball is deliberate or accidental, goals will not stand if they are scored by a handball. This comes down to the fact that most handballs are accidental, and that play is allowed to continue cause there is no deliberate intent. The new rule takes the word "deliberate" out of the equation, therefore preventing any material gain.
Substituted Players
Previously, if a player is substituted, they have to leave the pitch at the technical areas. Now, this new rule will allow players to leave the field at the point they are closest too. This may seem slightly inconsequential, but many players take advantage of this and use it to take their time leaving, therefore using up game minutes.
Teams also take advantage by substituting players who are the furthest away, once again, delaying play. I feel this rule might actually be welcomed, as it allows injured players to leave sooner, and the new player to get onto the field.
Attacking Players in the Wall
This new rule is slightly more technical, and has to do with having attacking players in the wall of an attacking freekick. Quite simply, attacking players will not be allowed in the walls anymore as they are seen as an unnecessary distraction for defenders.
Coaches can Receive Cards Again
This isn't a new rule, but it is being reinstated again. Coaches receiving red and yellow cards is nothing new to football, but it was removed a while back, with coaches receiving verbal warnings from referees. Yellow and red cards will now be shown to coaches who overstep their bounds.
Accumulation of these cards, and straight red cards, will result in the offending coach receiving a ban from the sidelines. In my opinion, this is clearly being reinforced again as the verbal warnings have certainly not been effective, with coaches verbally attack referees on a fairly regular basis.
Missed or Saved Penalties will Result in a Restart of Play
Previously, if a penalty is missed and hits the upright, or a goalkeeper saves the ball but fumbles it, attacking players can follow up and score. This new rule means that in these instances of a miss or save, the ball is now "dead", and play is restarted.
It hasn't been made too clear how play will be restarted, whether it be with a freekick or a goal kick, but I feel this rule is slightly ridiculous.
Attacking players should be allowed a chance to "fix" a mistake if they miss a penalty or it is saved, especially if it is the fault of the goalkeeper for fumbling or not controlling the ball in the event of a save.
These are some very interesting changes that could be coming, and I definitely welcome them (apart from the penalty one). They will most certainly help to make play flow a bit easier, prevent underserved goals, and generally help the game.